Our brand-new mobile app allows you to easily connect with us, sign up for an event, give online, and so much more! Create a profile and stay logged in. This will save you time and help you when participating in the many things going on at JeffStreet

Features Include

  • Quick access to our Connect Card for first-time guests, prayer request forms, serving applications, message notes, & much more.

  • Fast and simple online giving! You can also manage automatic giving and view your giving history.

  • Find out about upcoming events, classes, & studies that are going on and get signed up!

  • By signing in, you can join one of our many groups. Then, stay up to date with friends, share pray requests, and fellowship with one another.

  • Find out about everything going on at JeffStreet through the announcements & events tabs. Learn about stats, events, and ministry updates.

  • Access to staff-curated content, playlists, livestreams, podcasts, & EVERYTHING JEFFSTREET! Even access your bible from inside the app.